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Wish you the best!
"Doar când ultimul copac a murit, ultimul râu a fost otrăvit şi ultimul peşte a fost prins, ne vom da seama că nu putem mânca bani!"
member of EHBBC si IBC
show us on [url=http://Bettaclub%20Romania/bettaclub/forum/viewforum.php?f=0.0]Betta showroom[/url] some of your betta!
i bet you have very good CT lines ;)
"Doar când ultimul copac a murit, ultimul râu a fost otrăvit şi ultimul peşte a fost prins, ne vom da seama că nu putem mânca bani!"
member of EHBBC si IBC
livulik scrie:
show us on [url=http://Bettaclub%20Romania/bettaclub/forum/viewforum.php?f=0.0]Betta showroom[/url] some of your betta!
i bet you have very good CT lines ;)
Indonesia has very good CT Lines. I think this Betta species in dire need of more care than others. I'll take some pictures later and I'll post it immediately.
Teguh Prasetyo
Jakarta - Indonesia
"TBC (T-rex Betta Collection)"