Hi plakat,
nice pk you have there. I like the traditional form too, but I have only different black colors of them. In the future I will have superblack and doubleblack. And I will see that I get better CTPK.
"Doar când ultimul copac a murit, ultimul râu a fost otrăvit şi ultimul peşte a fost prins, ne vom da seama că nu putem mânca bani!"
member of EHBBC si IBC
Azi e prima zi al lui in care trebuie sa aibe grija de cuib.Sa vedem ce va iesi.E prima depunere deci nu imi fac prea multe sperante.Am folosit o femela Hm culoare apropiata.
Today is the first day that he has to take care of the egs.Will see if he is a good parent.It is his first spawn so will see soon.His mate was a Hm female almoust same color.