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betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 13:08
de crb
in acest topic as dori sa aflu parerile tuturor legate de acvarile in care tinenem bettani. Incep cu o intrebare ,eu as dori sa bag oxigen in fiecare acvariu si niste carbuni activi ,credeti ca este vro problema? Ajuta sau nu ajuta?
In this thread I would like to have everybody's oppinion on the tanks that we keep our Bettas in.
I start with a question: I would like to put oxygene in every tank, and some active charcoal in every tank, do you think it's a problem? Does it help, or not?
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 13:30
de CataOlo
Pai ... de unde oxigen?
Daca vrei sa bagi aer (bule de aer), eu zic ca este ok, mai ales daca bulele vin dintr-un burete bolborositor sau dintr-un filtru intern (asta inseamna ca ai bacterii "buna").
In legatura cu carbunele activ ... din cate stiu eu, acesta se foloseste la acvarii sterile, sau pentru a "scoate" medicamentele din apa. Pentru acvarii plantate e contraindicat carbunele activ pe perioade lungi de timp.
Well ... where are you getting the Oxygene from?
If you want to have air (as in air-bubbles), I think it's ok, and even more ok if the bubbles come from a sponge-filter or from an internal filter (that means that you have "good" bacteria).
About the active charcoal ... from what I know, it's used in steryle tanks, or to "take out" medicine fom water. For planted tanks it's counter-indicated for long periods of time.
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 13:39
de crb
multumesc pentru ajutor ! Tank you for help
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 14:03
de crb
alte chestii care pot face viata bettanului mai buna mai exista in materie de accesorii? Another accesories for a god life for betta's ?
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 14:10
de CataOlo
Plante! La greu!
Plants! And lots of them!
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 14:19
de crb
vreau sa-mi cumpar plante dar nu prea stiu ce ,plantate sau nu! I wanna buy plants but i don't no what ,planted or no ! Scuze me for my english i'm stupid
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 14:27
de Yonnutz
Eu am in acvariile de betta cam de toata....
Dar totusi evit sa pun multe plante de suprafata......
Am si o "tufa" de flame moss....unul dintre betta o iubeste....sta doar pe ea, ca pe o plapuma de puff
In rest, majoritatea sunt plantate in substrat...
Me in my Betta tanks I have lots of plants ...
But I don't net a lot of floating plants ....
I have some flame moss ... one of my bettas lobe it ... he sits on it, as if he was sitting on a soft blanket
But the majority of mu plants are root-plants
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 14:36
de CataOlo
Plante ... pentru a te putea ajuta, trebuie sa ne spui ce dimensiuni au acvariile, ce lumina, ce parametri are apa...
Si plantele sunt ca si pestii: sunt pesti carora le place apa mai dura, altii o prefera mai acida ... sunt plante carora le place lunima mai puternica, sunt plante care vor neaparat aditie de CO2 ...
The plants ... in order to be able to help you, we need to know the dimensions of the tanks, the light, the parameters of the water ...
The plants are like fish: some fish love hard water, others like it more acid ... there are plants that like stronger light, there are plants that can't do without CO2 addition ...
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 14:38
de snakefishmike
crb scrie:
Incep cu o intrebare ,eu as dori sa bag oxigen in fiecare acvariu
I start with a question: I would like to put oxygene in every tank,
For what ???
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 14:41
de Yonnutz
Ai dreptate Cata. eu am omis aceste lucruri....poate din motiv ca eu le aleg mai mult pe ghicite ;D
Adica in sensul ca nu am cum sa masor parametrii apei....
Dar, in materie de plante pana acum e toate plantele care le am in acvarii o duc foarte bine.
You are right Cata. i forgot about this things...probably because i chose the plants for my tanks by guessing.
I can't messure the water parameters....
But, untill now, all my plants are doing fine in all off my tanks.
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 14:43
de crb
cam 5-6 Ph ,lumina 1 neon lung si acvarile de 3 litri pentru ca ii tin cate unu
Ph about 5-6, light - one long neon tube and the 3 liter tanks because I heep only one of them in each
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 15:19
de livulik
daca nu ma inseala pe mine memoria, un pH de 5 este de 100 de ori mai acid ca un pH de 6! asa ca ar fi bine sa nu varieze chiar asa!
If my memory does not gail me, a Ph of 5 is 100 times more acydic than a Ph of 6! So it would be good if it titn't vary that much!
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 15:52
de robertino
Nu cred ca are 5-6 Ph-ul...din cate stiu, intre 7-8 are apa in Bucuresti.
I don't think he has PH of 5-6 ... from what I know, the water has a Ph of 7-8 in Bucuresti.
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 15:55
de crb
nu stiu exact pentru ca nu am ph metru ,trebuie sa il imprumut de la varu ,pentru cine il cunoaste este hobbydiscus el stie cu chimia apei eu sunt "new entry" dar cred ca in bucuresti ph-ul e cam la fel
I don't know exactly because I have no Ph-meter, I have to borrow it from my cousin. You might know him - he's "hobydyscus"; he knows water chemistry, I'm just "new entry", but I suppose in Bucuresti the Ph is quite the same
Re: betta aquarium
Scris: 21 Mai 2010 16:03
de snakefishmike
Lasa-l pe varu' si ph-metrul lui , ca nu o sa ti-l dea in veci ;D
Exista si teste de ph , nu doar ph-metre ;)
Forget your cousin and his Ph-meter, he's not gonna give it to you, ever
There are Ph tests, not just Ph-meters ;)