male or female
Scris: 29 Dec 2010 22:34
Am un betta de aproximativ 6 luni şi atunci când l-am cumparat am crezut că e mascul, dar se dovedeşte că, de fapt, e o femela sau cel putin asa cred. mă puteţi ajuta spunandu-mi ce este şi cu mai multe informaţii despre aceasta rasa. am atasat si o poza cu ""fetita"
I have a betta for about 6 months now and when i bought it i thought it was a male but it turns out it's actually a female or that 's what i think. can you help me by telling me what it is and more information on this breed. i have atached a photo with my "girl"
Thank you!
Am un betta de aproximativ 6 luni şi atunci când l-am cumparat am crezut că e mascul, dar se dovedeşte că, de fapt, e o femela sau cel putin asa cred. mă puteţi ajuta spunandu-mi ce este şi cu mai multe informaţii despre aceasta rasa. am atasat si o poza cu ""fetita"
I have a betta for about 6 months now and when i bought it i thought it was a male but it turns out it's actually a female or that 's what i think. can you help me by telling me what it is and more information on this breed. i have atached a photo with my "girl"
Thank you!