Scris: 24 Iun 2010 13:06
Ma numesc Zoltan, am 31 de ani, chimist de profesie ( am si lucrat in domeniu o perioada), dar momentan lucrez in IT ( deh, Romania )locuiesc in Bucuresti, am crescut impreuna cu tata (a fost ca sa spun asa mentorul meu) Betta ani indelungati, dar de vreo 10 ani s-a luat o pauza in domeniu ( motive diverse) , insa acum as vrea sa reincep cu aceasta frumoasa pasiune. Cu ocazia aceasta realizez cat de mult am uitat si cate chestii noi au aparut
My name is Zoltan, I'm 31. and I am a chemist -at least that's what I am trained for (I have even had a job as a chemist for a while!), but for now I work in IT (... Romania); I live in Bucuresti, and I have had with my father (he was kind of a menthor for me) Bettas for years and years, but for about 10 years we took a break from it all (various reasons), but now I would like to restart this beautiful pasion. On this occasion I realise how much I have forgotten and how many new things have appeared
My name is Zoltan, I'm 31. and I am a chemist -at least that's what I am trained for (I have even had a job as a chemist for a while!), but for now I work in IT (... Romania); I live in Bucuresti, and I have had with my father (he was kind of a menthor for me) Bettas for years and years, but for about 10 years we took a break from it all (various reasons), but now I would like to restart this beautiful pasion. On this occasion I realise how much I have forgotten and how many new things have appeared