Ma numesc cosmin gheorghe si sunt din ct.Am avut in trecut betta si vreau sa ma apuc din nou!Am o intrebare:Cati l apa/betta; e adevarat ca pot fi tinuti in borcane fara plante?????
My name is Cosmin Gheorghe ans I am from Constanta. I have owned Bettas in the past, and I want to get some, once again. I do have a few questions for yiu:
In how many litersof water is advised to keep one fish?
Is it true that they can be kept in jars, with no plants ???
- CataOlo
- Global Moderator
- Mesaje: 217
- Membru din: 02 Mar 2010 14:25
- Localitate: Sibiu, Romania
- Contact:
Servus Cosmin,
Bine ai venit!
In primul rand - modifica-ti cumva post-ul, sa sune in Romana cam cum l-am scris eu in Engleza (adica clar ... ca tu ai cam scris incurcat).
In al doilea rand ... intrebarile tale (ca-s doua) pot avea raspuns simplu, sau complex. Pentru raspuns simplu pot sa iti spun:
1) 3-4l apa/peste sunt arhisuficienti
2) da
Varianta lunga e ... lunga. Depinde ce vrei sa faci. Eu te sfatuiesc sa citesti pe la articole, sa vezi ce scrie pe acolo si sa te decizi mai intai ce vrei sa faci cu pestii. In primul rand, din punctul meu de vedere, NU tine pestele in borcanu' de muraturi ! Pentru a tine pestii asa, ai nevoie de o tona de experienta!
Hi Cosmin,
First of all, please modify your post, so that it sounds kinda' like the one I wrote in English (that is a bit clearer... because you were not so clear).
Secod ... your questions (there were two of them) can have a simple answer, or a more complete one. For the simple answers:
1) 3-4 l of water/fish is more than enough.
2) Yes
The long answer ... is long. It depends on what you want to do. My advise to you is to go in the "Articles" section, read the information that is there and decide what you want to do with the fish. First of all, from my point of view, DON'T put the fish in the pickle jar! In order to keep the fish like that, you need a lot of experience!
Bine ai venit!
In primul rand - modifica-ti cumva post-ul, sa sune in Romana cam cum l-am scris eu in Engleza (adica clar ... ca tu ai cam scris incurcat).
In al doilea rand ... intrebarile tale (ca-s doua) pot avea raspuns simplu, sau complex. Pentru raspuns simplu pot sa iti spun:
1) 3-4l apa/peste sunt arhisuficienti
2) da
Varianta lunga e ... lunga. Depinde ce vrei sa faci. Eu te sfatuiesc sa citesti pe la articole, sa vezi ce scrie pe acolo si sa te decizi mai intai ce vrei sa faci cu pestii. In primul rand, din punctul meu de vedere, NU tine pestele in borcanu' de muraturi ! Pentru a tine pestii asa, ai nevoie de o tona de experienta!
Hi Cosmin,
First of all, please modify your post, so that it sounds kinda' like the one I wrote in English (that is a bit clearer... because you were not so clear).
Secod ... your questions (there were two of them) can have a simple answer, or a more complete one. For the simple answers:
1) 3-4 l of water/fish is more than enough.
2) Yes
The long answer ... is long. It depends on what you want to do. My advise to you is to go in the "Articles" section, read the information that is there and decide what you want to do with the fish. First of all, from my point of view, DON'T put the fish in the pickle jar! In order to keep the fish like that, you need a lot of experience!
Alergie la prostie ...
Allergy to stupidity ...
Allergy to stupidity ...