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Achizitiile ultimei comenzi in Thai

Scris: 25 Mai 2011 16:23
de livulik
intr-un final am facut ceva poze (nu prea reusite, dar nici nu m-am obosit prea tare nefiind meritul muncii mele ci doar a thailandezului)

1) Black PK
Imagine Imagine Imagine  

2) Black HM
 Imagine Imagine  

3) Black Orchid HM

in curand poze cu restul si cu femelele...

Re: Achizitiile ultimei comenzi in Thai

Scris: 26 Mai 2011 08:50
de livulik
4) un mascul Black Dragon HMPK (nu a vrut deloc sa coopereze la poza!)

5) perechea lui...ceva mai cooperanta!
Imagine Imagine Imagine 

6) doua femele Black HM
Imagine Imagine Imagine Imagine  

Re: Achizitiile ultimei comenzi in Thai

Scris: 26 Mai 2011 11:37
de T-rex85
A good female cooper dragon in the picture no.5..
have plans to breed it?  :D :D :D
nice fins n forms.

Re: Achizitiile ultimei comenzi in Thai

Scris: 26 Mai 2011 11:40
de livulik
Yes, i'll try to breed her with male no. 4

Re: Achizitiile ultimei comenzi in Thai

Scris: 26 Mai 2011 11:53
de T-rex85
livulik scrie: Yes, i'll try to breed her with male no. 4
wow.. hopefully you get a good HMPK.. good luck!!

Re: Achizitiile ultimei comenzi in Thai

Scris: 26 Mai 2011 12:01
de livulik
T-rex85 scrie:
livulik scrie: Yes, i'll try to breed her with male no. 4
wow.. hopefully you get a good HMPK.. good luck!!
indeed, the male is more Traditional PK then HMPK, but i hope the female will improve the caudal spreading on F1

Re: Achizitiile ultimei comenzi in Thai

Scris: 27 Mai 2011 03:48
de T-rex85
livulik scrie:
T-rex85 scrie:
livulik scrie: Yes, i'll try to breed her with male no. 4
wow.. hopefully you get a good HMPK.. good luck!!
indeed, the male is more Traditional PK then HMPK, but i hope the female will improve the caudal spreading on F1
yes, I hope so. based on the figure 5 we can see that this female has a tail fin that is not too bad, even the most open 180 degrees. These females also have a perfect body. base of the tail is wider than females in figure 6.