Regulamentul forumului

Mesaje: 1051
Membru din: 22 Feb 2010 21:16
Localitate: Bucharest - Romania

Capitolul 1

Dispozitii generale

a) este un forum privat unde se vor posta numai intrebari/informatii legate de acvaristica. Avem totusi in comun administratori, moderatori si useri si alte domenii de interes , drept pentru care am infiintat sectiunea ‘’Cafenea’’. Aceasta sectiune are parte de un statut preferential , in sensul ca moderarea se face mai lejer. Ca urmare a acestei reguli, la ‘’Cafenea’’ nu se vor sanctiona mesajele care nu sunt la subiect sau mesajele fara un continut real.
b) Dreptul de a publica mesaje si fisiere pe acest forum se dobandeste prin inregistrarea unui cont. Odata inregistrat un cont de membru, acesta are acces nelimitat pe forumul Va rugam sa va completati corect locatia. Acest lucru va duce la o mai buna intelegere intre membri.
c) Materialele publicate de forumisti devin si proprietatea site-ului Publicarea integrala sau a unor parti din articolele scrise pe forum se va face numai cu acordul proprietarilor si cu mentionarea numelui acestora.
d) Fiecare membru al forumului este responsabil pentru continutul celor scrise.
e) Administratia acestui forum nu isi asuma responsabilitatea privind opiniile dumneavoastra.
f) Adresele IP ale tuturor mesajelor trimise sunt stocate pentru a fi de ajutor in rezolvarea unor incalcari ale prezentului regulament.
g) Orice informatie introdusa de dumneavoastra sub forma de mesaj si/sau fisier este stocata in baza de date a forumului.
h) Orice actiune de moderare a persoanelor autorizate, administratori sau moderatori, este stocata in baza de date.
I) Informatiile personale nu vor fi dezvaluite catre terti fara consimtamantul vostru, decat in cazurile prevazute de lege.
j) Administratorii si moderatorii nu pot fi facuti responsabili de atacurile de furt sau de vandalism care pot sa duca la compromiterea datelor.
k) Administratorii forumului isi rezerva dreptul de a va contacta ocazional in vederea informarii asupra unor probleme specifice forumului.
l) Calitatea de forumist poate fi revocata temporar sau definitiv pentru incalcarea regulamentului, a normelor bunului simt sau a legii, indiferent de vechimea sau numarul de posturi ale userului.
m) Publicitatea este permisa doar cu acordul administratorului. Pentru obtinerea permisiunii folositi PM.
n) Necunoasterea regulamentului nu absolva pe nimeni de pedeapsa.

Capitolul 2

Utilizatorii inregistrati

Acestia pot fi: Administratori, Moderatori si Useri

2.a. Administratori

In cadrul acestui forum, administratorii sunt cei care au drepturi depline asupra continutului forumului.
Acestia sunt persoanele care detin drepturile de proprietate asupra acestui forum si se ocupa atat cu partea tehnica a acestuia, cat si cu partea administrativa.
Administratorii au dreptul de a gestiona orice mesaj de pe acest forum si nu raspund in fata celorlalti membri pentru actiunile lor.
De asemenea, acestia pot sterge complet sau partial mesajele postate de forumisti fara sa fie obligati sa dea explicatii.

2.b. Moderatori

Moderatorii sunt persoane care au dreptul de a gestiona mesajele celorlalti utilizatori ai forumului.
a) Moderatorii se supun, ca oricare alt utilizator, acestui regulament si au grija ca el sa fie respectat.
b) Gestionarea mesajelor se face respectand prezentul regulament, abaterile grave sau repetate de la aceasta regula soldandu-se cu retragerea dreptului de a modera.
c) Functia de moderator nu implica privilegii, ci responsabilitati. Functia de moderator implica posibilitatea de a edita, muta, sterge sau bloca mesajele celorlalti utilizatori.
d) Pot exista moderatori cu atributii restranse la cateva sectiuni ale forumului sau moderatori cu atributii peste intreg forumul.
e) Functia de moderator este propusa si acordata doar de catre administratori si nimeni nu poate interveni in privinta aceasta.
f) Moderatorilor li se poate retrage dreptul de moderare doar de catre administratori. Retragerea dreptului de moderare se poate face fara un motiv anume insa acesta actiune va fi comunicata.
g) Desi nu este obligatoriu, moderatorii pot da explicatii pentru actiunile lor atunci cand un utilizator cere expres acest lucru.
h) Moderatorii au dreptul sa aplice sanctiuni ce constau in avertizarea publica sau privata, editarea mesajului, stergerea mesajului, blocarea intregului topic. De asemenea, moderatorii fac propunerile pentru banare .

2.c. Useri

Sunt toti utilizatorii inregistrati pe forum si se supun prezentului regulament:
a) Fiecare forumist are dreptul la un singur utilizator pe forumul Inregistrarea mai multor nume de utilizator pentru aceeasi persoana se considera abuz si duce la blocarea tuturor conturilor respective.
b) Nu se incurajeaza sub nici o forma goana dupa posturi. Nu se incurajeaza mesajele si interventiile fara un continut real si util forumului. Scrieti un mesaj doar daca aveti ceva de spus in legatura cu subiectul (topicul). Abuzul se sanctioneaza cu avertisment. Sunt interzise de asemenea postarile consecutive, iar pentru a evita acest lucru, se va folosi butonul “edit”.
c) Nu se admite devierea de la subiect prin mesaje in afara de subiect (off topic). Este de dorit a se evita abaterea de la profilul sectiunilor acestui forum (topic nou, deschis intr-o sectiune neadecvata). In acest fel, informatiile vor sta corect sortate, iar moderatorii vor avea mai putin de munca. Orice topic pus aiurea atrage dupa sine atentionarea userului si mutarea topicului la sectiunea care trebuie. Abuzul se sanctioneaza cu avertisment.
d) Nu postati in topicurile care si-au gasit rezolvare. Faceti-o doar daca aveti ceva important de adaugat. Nu "inviati" topicuri vechi doar pentru a creste numarul de posturi. De asemenea, topicurile trebuie sa aiba un titlu inteligibil care sa dea o idee despre ce este vorba în el. Nu se accepta titluri gen "heeelp", "plssss", "ajutooor". De asemenea, este obligatorie folosirea optiunii de cautare (search) pentru a vedea daca subiectul pe care vreti sa il dezbateti, sub forma initierii unui nou topic, nu a fost deja discutat. Nerespectarea acestor prevederi se sanctioneaza cu avertisment.
e) Nu este permisa, sub nici o forma, folosirea unui limbaj necivilizat si/sau obscen, antisemit sau rasist. Nu este permisa folosirea unui limbaj neadecvat si/sau comentarii deplasate la adresa altor membri . Nu este permis atacul la persoana. Nu atacati persoanele ci, eventual, ideile lor. Respectati userii forumului si folositi un limbaj civilizat pentru a putea fi respectati la randul vostru.  Nerespectarea acestei prevederi se sanctioneaza cu avertisment si in functie de gravitate chiar si cu retragerea dreptului de a mai activa pe .
f)Nu este permisa, sub nici o forma, folosirea unui limbaj tip "IRC" (daka,ca, lol etc.) si nici a scrierii cu sh, tz, ca, etc. Dorim sa punem accent pe calitatea mesajului (atat din punct de vedere al continutului cat si ca mod corect de redactare in limba romana) si nu pe "cantitatea" sa. Incercati sa folositi regulile de ortografie, semnele de punctuatie si o exprimare cat mai clara. Postarea repetata, fara respectarea acestor reguli, duce la primirea unui avertisment, stergerea mesajelor si chiar banarea userului.
g) Este de dorit a se evita citarea intregului mesaj al unui utilizator daca acel post se afla imediat deasupra sau la o distanta mica (3-4 mesaje) de locul in care va fi citat. In schimb, se pot cita si comenta pasaje ale unui post din aceeasi subpagina sau se poate folosi adresarea directa catre un alt utilizator.
Forumul nu trebuie confundat cu un chat. Drept urmare, nu folositi in exces pictogramele emotive. Abuzul duce la stergerea mesajelor si primirea unui avertisment.
h) Sunt admise devierile de la subiect dar in limita bunului simt. Raspunsurile in afara subiectului date in mod repetat duc la primirea unui avertisment.
i) Nu este permisa postarea unui mesaj in mai multe sectiuni cu scopul de a atrage o atentie sporita. Nerespectarea acestei prevederi duce la primirea unui avertisment.
j) Nu se accepta postarea de link-uri catre alte site-uri cu scopul de a face reclama. Totusi se accepta link-uri atunci cand firul discutiei o cere. De asemenea, atunci cand este cazul se pot face referiri la nume de produse/firme. Nu este permisa reclama agresiva la o anumita categorie de produse sau firme.
Nerespectarea acestei prevederi duce la primirea unui avertisment.
k) Este interzisa postarea de fisiere si/sau link-uri care trimit catre fisiere care incalca legea dreptului de autor(NO WAREZ, NO CRACKS). Nerespectarea acestei prevederi duce la primirea unui avertisment
l) Nu se accepta clonele . Nu se considera o clona un nou cont facut de un user al carui vechi cont a fost sters din greseala. Daca un user este restrictionat (banat) si creeaza un cont pe care il foloseste pentru a ocoli respectiva sanctiune, ambele conturi vor fi banate si ip-ul va fi blocat.
m) Nu este permisa includerea in semnatura a unui nume sau link catre un site in scopul de a face reclama de orice fel fara aprobarea prealabila a proprietarului forumului.  De asemenea, nu este permisa, in semnatura, adaugarea de poze, gifuri sau alte simboluri care maresc in mod nejustificat semnatura (mai mult decat echivalentul a 3 randuri de text). Administratorii isi rezerva dreptul de a edita semnaturile, nick-urile si avatarii ce incalca acest subpunct. Avatarii, semnaturile si nick-urile trebuie sa nu aiba tenta antisemita, rasista sau obscena.Nerespectarea acestei prevederi duce la primirea unui avertisment si in functie de gravitate chiar ban direct.
n) Cerem userilor sa posteze in subforumurile adecvate cererii lor. Postarea in alte sectiuni decat cele pentru care se face vorbire duce la intarziere in primirea unor raspunsuri precum si la aglomerarea inutila a unor topicuri.
o) Userii vor respecta deciziile moderatorilor/administratorilor. Nu este permisa atentionarea in public a moderatorilor sau administratorilor, daca aveti ceva de semnalat utilizati PM. Nu este permisa sub nici o forma comentarea de catre useri a deciziilor unui moderator/administrator pe forumul public . Nerespectarea acestor reguli duce la primirea unui avertisment, stergerea mesajelor si , in functie de gravitate , chiar si retragerea dreptului de a mai activa pe
p) Primul post al unui user nou trebuie sa fie o prezentare la sectiunea [url=http://Bettaclub%20Romania/bettaclub/forum/viewforum.php?f=3.0]Introducere[/url] sa stim cu cine discutam.In caz de incalcare a acestei reguli, posturile unui user nou se vor sterge.

Capitolul 3
a)Forumul nu este implicat in procesul de negociere, de anulare sau realizare a vreunei tranzactii in care un user ar putea fi parte, si nu suntem responsabili de nici una dintre actiunile userilor implicati in tranzactii.
Cand folositi forumul nostru pentru tranzactii, atat cumparatorul cat si vanzatorul implicati derularea unei tranzactii de vanzare-cumparare sunt singurii pe deplin responsabili de procesul negocierilor, de coordonarea tranzactiei si de realizarea ei. Acest forum nu are autoritate de a actiona ca reprezentant al vanzatorului sau al cumparatorului.
Avand in vedere ca negocierile si incheierea tranzactiei au loc in mod direct intre useri, forumul nu va fi implicat in controverse si cereri judiciare care pot interveni intre vanzator si cumparator.
b) Userii sunt obligati sa faca publice preturile in anuntul de vanzare.
c) Preturile de la rubrica "Bizz" nu se comenteaza, proprietarul poate cere cat doreste pe produsul scos la vanzare.
d) Mesajele de urcare a postului de genul "UP" nu sunt permise. Totusi, este permisa ridicarea mesajului doar in conditiile scaderii pretului produsului/produselor de vandut cu cel putin 10%. De asemenea, sunt permise reactualizari ale stocului/stocurilor, in cazul in care se adauga produse fata de lista initiala, sau in cazul in care unele produse nu mai sunt disponibile pentru comercializare (stoc epuizat). Nu sunt permise altfel de reactualizari ale pozitiei postului vostru in cadrul sectiunii respective, adica nu incercati sa va aduceti postul in prim plan, acest lucru fiind penalizat cu inchiderea postului respectiv si interzicerea deschiderii unui nou topic pentru acelasi produs. Sunteti rugati ca atunci cand terminati acea afacere sa anuntati pentru a se putea inchide topicul.
Nerespectarea acestor reguli duce la primirea unui avertisment , sau dupa caz chiar ban .

Capitolul 4
Sanctiuni :
-prima abatere - avertisment 1 timp de o saptamana
-a doua abatere - avertisment 2 timp de 2 saptamani
-a treia abatere - ban timp de 2 saptamani
-a patra abatere - retragerea definitiva a dreptului de a mai activa pe

In functie de gravitatea faptei sanctiunile raman la latitudinea echipei de administrare .

Multumim lui Andrei Cirstea pentru acordul folosirii ideilor sale , ce stau la baza prezentului REGULAMENT .
Ultima oară modificat 05 Mar 2010 15:13 de către snakefishmike, modificat 1 dată în total.
Membru IBC
Mesaje: 1051
Membru din: 22 Feb 2010 21:16
Localitate: Bucharest - Romania

Chapter I

General stipulations

a) is a private forum where there will be posted only questions / information concerning aquarium field . But we still have in common administrators, moderators and users, also other fields of interest. For this reason we created “The coffee house” section. This section has a preferential status, which means the moderation is done in a lighter manner. Following this rule, in the “Coffee house” there will not be penalized the messages which are not on the subject matter or the messages without a real content.
b) The right to publish messages and files on this forum can be obtained by registering an account. Once registered a membership account, the respective member has unlimited access on the forum. We kindly ask you to fill in correctly your location. This will lead to a better understanding between the members.
c) The materials published by the forum members become also the propriety of the forum. Publishing integrally or parts of the articles written on the forum will be done only with the owners accept and mentioning their names.
d) Every member of the forum is responsible for the contents of the written items.
e) The administration of this forum does not assume the responsibility regarding your opinions.
f) The IP addresses of all the messages will be stored in order to be of help in solving infringements of the present regulations.
g) Any information introduced by you as a message and/or a file is stored into the forum’s database.
h) Any moderation action of the authorized persons, administrators or moderators, is stored into the database.
i) Personal information will not be revealed to third parties without your consent, except the cases provided by the law.
j) The administrators and moderators cannot be made responsible for the theft or vandalism attacks, which may cause damage to the dates.
k) The forums’ administrators have the right to occasionally contact you, in order to inform you about some specific problems of the forum.
l) The quality of forum member can be temporarily or permanently revoked for the infringement of the regulations, of the common-sense or law rules - unimportant the oldness on the forum or number of posts of the user.
m) Advertising is permitted only with the agreement of the administrator. To obtain the permission, use PM.
n) Ignoring the regulations does not absolve anyone of the penalty.

Chapter 2

Registered users

These can be: Administrators, Moderators and Users

2.a. Administrators

Within this forum, the administrators are those who have whole rights on the forum’s content.

These are the persons who own the property rights on this forum and deal both with the technical and also administrative part of the forum.
The administrators have the right of management of any message on this forum and are not responsible in front of the other members for their decisions.

The administrators can also delete completely or partially the messages posted by the members without being obliged to give explanations.

2.b. Moderators

The moderators are persons who have the right to administrate the messages of the others members of the forum.
a) The moderators submit, like any other user, to these regulations, and are taking care to be observed.
b) The management of the messages is made complying with the regulations, severe or repeated infringements of this rule leads to the withdrawal of the right to moderate.
c) The moderator position does not involve privileges, but responsibilities. The moderator position involves the possibility to edit, move, delete or block the messages of the other users.
d) There can be moderators with competences restricted to some sections of the forum, or moderators with competences on the whole forum.
e) The moderator position is proposed and granted only by the administrators. No one else can interfere regarding this matter.
f) Only the administrator can withdraw to the moderators the right of moderation. The withdrawal of the moderation right can be done without a specific reason, but this decision will be communicated.
g) Although it is not a must, the moderators can give explanations for their actions when an user specifically requests this.
h) The moderators have the right to apply penalties consisting in public or private warning, editing the message, deleting the message, blocking the whole thread. Also, the moderators make the proposals for banning.

2.c. Users

Are all the registered users on the forum and submit to the present regulations:
a) Every forum member has the right to only one user on the forum Registering more user names for the same person is considered an abuse and leads to the shutting off of all the respective accounts.
b) There is not encouraged, in any manner, the running after posts. There are not encouraged the messages and interventions without a real and useful content for the forum. Abuse is penalized by warning. There are also forbidden the consecutive posts and, to avoid this, the “edit” button will be used.
c) There is not admitted the deviation from the subject matter by off thread messages. It is preferable to avoid digression from the profile of this forum’s sections (new thread, opened in an inadequate section). In this mode, the information will lay correctly selected - the moderators will have less work to do. Any thread posted in some other place leads to bringing down upon the user a warning and moving the thread in the right section. Abuse is penalized with warning.
d) Do not post into the threads which have been solved. Do this only if you have something important to add. Do not “get back to life” old treats only to increase the number of posts. On the same time, the threads should have an intelligible title, which can give an idea of what does it speak about. There are not allowed titles like: “heeelp”, “plsss”… There is also obligatory the use of the search option (search) to see if the subject you wish to debate, by initiating a new thread, was not already discussed. Not submitting to these provisions is penalized with warning.
e) There is not permitted, under any circumstance, the use of an uncivilized and/or obscene, anti-Semite or racist language. There is not allowed the use of a language which is not adequate and/or out of the common sense comments regarding other members. There is not allowed the personal attack. Do not attack the persons but, eventually, their ideas. Respect the forum’s users and use a civilized language, in order to be respected, yourself, by the others. The infringement of this provision is penalized by warning and, related to the gravity, even with the withdrawal of the right to continue to activate on
f) There is not allowed, under any circumstance, the use of a language type “IRC” and of a language based on abbreviations. We would like to focus on the quality of the message (from the point of view of the content, but also concerning the correct manner of writing in Romanian/English language), not on its “quantity”. Try to use the orthography rules, punctuation signs and the most distinct style of expression possible. Repeated posting without observing these rules leads to a warning, deleting of the messages and even to user’s banning.
g) It is preferable to avoid quotation of a whole message of a user if that post is situated immediately on the top or at a short distance (3-4 messages) from the place where it will be quoted. However, there can be quoted and commented parts of a post from the same sub-page, or directly addressing to another user can be used.
The forum does not have to be confused with a chat. So, do not use emoticon icons in excess. Abuse leads to messages’ deletion and warning.
h) There are allowed deviations from the subject matter, but within the common sense limits. The repeated answers off the subject lead to a warning.
i) There is not allowed posting the same message in more sections with the object of attracting more attention. Infringement of this provision leads to a warning.
j) There is not accepted posting links to other sites with the object of publicity. However, there are accepted links when the course of the discussion requests. Also, when it is adequate, referring to names of products/companies is allowed. There is not permitted aggressive publicity for a certain category of products or companies. Infringement of this provision leads to a warning.
k) There is forbidden to post files and/or links sending to files which infringe the author’s rights law (NO WAREZ, NO CRACKS). Trespassing this provision leads to a warning.
l) There are not accepted the clones. There is not considered as clone a new account made by a user whose account has been deleted by mistake. If a user is restricted (banned) and creates an account which is used to elude the respective penalty, both accounts will be banned and the IP will be blocked.
m) There is not allowed to include in the signature a name or link to a site with the object of any type of publicity without the previous approval of the forum’s owner. There is also not allowed , within the signature, add of photos, gif-s or other symbols which unjustified increase the signature (more than three text rows) The administrators have the right to edit the signatures, nick-names and avatars which trespass this item. The avatars, signatures and nick-names do not have to contain anti-Semite, racist or obscene appearance. Infringement of this provision leads to a warning and, relative to the gravity, even to direct banning.
n) We ask the users to post in the sub-forums adequate for their request. Posting in other sections than those to which are referring leads to delay in receiving the answers and also to the useless agglomeration of certain treats.
o) The users will observe the moderators’/administrators’ decisions. There is not allowed the public interpellation of the moderators or administrators; if you have something to notice – use PM. There is not allowed, under any circumstance, users’ comments on the public forum about the decisions of an administrator/moderator. Infringement of these rules leads to a warning, deleting of the messages and, relative to the gravity, even to withdrawing the right to activate on
p) The first post of a new user should be a presentation in the Introduction section, to let us know who are  we discussing with. In case of  infringement of this rule the posts of a new user will be deleted.

Chapter 3

a) The forum is not involved in the negotiation, annulment or fulfillment of a transaction process in which a user could be part, and we are not responsible for any action of the users involved in the transactions.
When you use our forum for transactions, both the buyer and the seller involved in the buying-selling transaction process are the only ones fully responsible for the negotiation process, the coordination of the transaction and its fulfillment. This forum does not have the authority to act as representative of the seller or of the buyer. Taking into account that the negotiations and fulfillment of the transaction are made directly between the users, the forum will not be involved in matters in dispute and judicial requests which may appear between the seller and buyer.
b) The users have the obligation to make public the prices in the selling announce.
c) The prices in the “Bizz” section are not commented, the owner can ask how much he wants for the product he puts in sale.
d) The messages for rising the post, type “UP”, are not allowed. However, the rise of the message is permitted only in the conditions of the decrease of the respective product’s/products’ price with at least 10%. There are also permitted updates of the stock/stocks, in case some products are added in comparison to the initial list, or in case some products are not available any more for selling (exhausted stock). Other type of updates of your post’s position within the respective section are not allowed, which means: do not try to bring your post in front, this action will be penalized by shutting down the respective post and the interdiction to open another post for the same product. You are kindly asked, when you finish the respective bizz, to make an announcement, in order to make possible the closure of the thread. Infringement of these rules leads to a warning or, following the case, even to banning.

Chapter 4

Sanctions (penalties)
- first deviation – warning 1 for a period of one week
- second deviation – warning 2 for two weeks
- third deviation – banning for two weeks
- fourth deviation – definitive withdrawal of the right to activate on

Regarding the gravity of the action, the penalties are the decision of the administration team.

Many thanks to Andrei Cirstea for the permission to use his ideas, which are the base of the present REGULATIONS.
Ultima oară modificat 05 Mar 2010 22:50 de către Alt_Razvan, modificat 1 dată în total.
Membru IBC